Well, this post is about 2 months late, but better late than never I guess. Over the 4th of July week and weekend, Ben's extended family, his Mom's side, had their annual family reunion. This year it was at the KOA at Bear Lake in northern Utah. It was a lot of fun. We made family reunion t-shirts, rode wave-runners, played all kinds of games, went swimming, and ate lots and lots and lots of food.
My favorite part though was one afternoon we drove to southern Idaho and visited the Minnetonka Cave. It was a guided tour through a sweet cave about two miles into the side of a mountain. It was crazy to think how much rock we were under. I've never been inside a deep cave before and I love anything geologic so I had a blast. Also, another highlight happened the very last night of the reunion when I wanted smores. You can't go camping without some smores. But a massive thunder & lightening storm came with hail. It was a pretty intense storm. After it passed over, Ben wanted to make me a fire so I could have my smores. I told him he didn't have to but he wanted to anyway. Everything was completely soaked so he spent two hours buidling a fire so I could have my smores. It was the nicest & cutest thing ever. It really made me happy :) Anyway, the reunion was tons of fun. I LOVE camping and grew up spending my summers camping at KOA so I loved being there. Also Ben's family is super nice and very welcoming of me. Here are some pics from the trip:
Cindy & Aubrey's KOA Kamping Kabin

Ben & me at the end of the Minnetonka Cave....this is my favorite picture.

Me with Ben's cousins, Maddy & Jessica, waiting to go into the Minnetonka Cave

Family Portrait...my shirt is way too big on me :(

Ben's family going into the Minnetonka Cave...I'm at the end there