Blood Pressure is critically important in maintaining a healthy heart but also maintaining healthy blood vessels. If we do not keep our blood pressure down under healthy levels than significant damage can happen to the blood vessels due to such high pressure which leads to wear and tear on the vessels. If the vessels get worn down they lose their elasticity and become hard. Blood clots may also form on the interior of the vessels leading to ateriosclorisis. These blood clots may than halt blood flow which with stop the flow of oxygen and other nutrients to the heart or brain which can cause a heart attack or stroke. Here are the healthy and unhealthy levels so we can better understand what those numbers mean when we go to the doctor's office.
Below 120 & Below 80
Normal - Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
120-139 & 80-89
PreHypertention - Adopt a healthier lifestyle
140-159 & 90-99
Stage 1 Hypertention - Adope a healthier lifestyle, possibly need to take medications to help
lower blood pressure
160 or more & 100 or more
Stage 2 Hypertension - Adopt a healthier lifestyle, definently need to take medications to
lower blood pressure. May need to take multiple medications. Risk is high for heart attack,
heart disease, or stroke if not already sufferning from those diseases.
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